Bangladesh is 115th in the global e-commerce index, 12 steps behind

Bangladesh is 12 steps behind in the global e-commerce index. Currently, the position is 115th. In 2019, Bangladesh was ranked 103rd.
Bangladesh is 115th in the global e-commerce index, 12 steps behind

The index is based on the proportion of the population using the Internet, the number of account holders on e-commerce sites, and the reliability of Internet servers and supplies, according to UNCTAD, the United Nations agency for trade and development.

Switzerland, the top country in the index, has a total of 95.9 points. There is only 33 decimal 3 of Bangladesh.

In March last year, housewives went shopping on the Internet during public holidays to prevent the Kovid epidemic. During this time, the business of some of the online entrepreneurs in Bangladesh increased several times. New organizations come with services. Even then, Bangladesh lagged behind the global index.

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