Corona epidemic is too late: World Health Organization

Corona epidemic is too late: World Health Organization

World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanam Gabrias has warned world leaders that the end of the Corona epidemic is too late. He warns against the notion that the Omicron type is less serious and therefore less risky.

He made the remarks at a regular briefing at the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on Tuesday.

Omicron is responsible for infecting 18 million people worldwide, according to Tedros Adhanam Gabrial. Although the effect of the type is less, the idea that it is a mild type is wrong. Omicron also causes hospital admissions and deaths, and overcrowding in hospitals.

He warns that the rate at which Omicron has spread could lead to the emergence of new variants. That is why surveillance and observation are important. Tedros expressed concern about countries with low vaccination rates.

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