'Party failure Johnson's failure on Downing Street in Lockdown'


'Party failure Johnson's failure on Downing Street in Lockdown'

'Party failure Johnson's failure on Downing Street in Lockdown'

In the midst of the Corona Lockdown, Sue Gray described the event on Downing Street as a failure of the leadership of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

He made the remarks in an investigation report into several parties' incidents on Downing Street, even as the country continues to face stricter restrictions.

This government official has investigated the incidents of 16 parties of that time. Although full information was not given, he said in the report that some arrangements should not have been made there at that time.

After the report was released, Boris Johnson said that he fully accepted the results of the investigation. However, in this case, the current and former lawmakers of the country are facing widespread criticism.

The demand for his resignation is also strong. Meanwhile, the country's metropolitan police are investigating at least 12 separate incidents of violations, including Johnson's birthday party on Downing Street.

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