Showing posts with the label politicsShow all
The United Kingdom is increasing its army in Europe
Biden warns of sanctions against Putin
Joe Biden spent a year as president
Successful surgery of Mahathir Mohamad
There is no crisis in BNP leadership: Mirza Fakhrul
Although the income has decreased, the expenditure of Awami League has increased
The verdict in the August 21 grenade attack case will come into effect as soon as possible.
World leaders have mixed reactions to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan
The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Palestine has risen to 132
Leaders and activists are worried and uncertain about Khaleda
Ban Ki-moon called for action to prevent violence in Myanmar
The trial of the former police officer who killed Floyd began
Imran Khan was criticized for commenting on women's clothing
Police shot dead 13 protesters in Myanmar
The ban will remain in place, work with it: Khamenei
Putin is a murderer: Biden
Chief Minister Mamata was released from the hospital
The US Congress passed the incentive package
Biden is sitting in a meeting with the leaders of the three countries
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to Kolkata today